Monday, September 12, 2011


Wow!  I have been on an orgy of reading steampunk books.  I am enthralled by the idea of steampunk and just love the imagination in most of that genera's books.  Started with "The Strange Case of Finley Jayne" by Kady Cross.  It was a free book on Amazon.  Then Daughter recommended "The Girl in theSteel Corset" by Kady Cross.  It was the next in the series and loved the book.  Then I read "Lady of Devices" by Shelley Adina.  Loved that book also.  Now, these are labeled Young Adult and I would agree but think all ages would enjoy them, but probably more so girls.  Then I read "Steam and Sorcery" by Cindy Pape.  Really some great steampunk and sci-fi in it, but definitely not for young adults.  There was more steam than just the machines.  I also loved the different take on Vampires and Werewolves.  Now last, and least, was "Scourge"  by David Burton.  I think this was aimed at younger than young adult and was just too simplistic.  I did not finish this book.  Okay,I am off to read the next steampunk I have been tempted by....