Sunday, August 28, 2011

When to Quit a Book

Began reading a book called "Centaurs  (Parallel Worlds)".  The dialog was so stiff and preachy.  I stopped reading it before my usual stop of 1/4 of the book or 50 pages.  At that point, if I don't care how the book ends, it is not worth my time.  What other criteria have you used?  Well, I must confess, if I have paid for a book, I feel compelled to get my money's worth and read all of it.  Used to think if an author went to the trouble of writing the book, I should finish it. Too many good ones out there I want to read.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Start of Sci-Fi Reading

Was thinking about the books that hooked me on Sci-Fi.  Zenna Henderson's books on The People.  They are low key but had aliens in them.  She was the only Sci-Fi writer  'way back then'  that didn't use a male name.  Do you remember what author or book started you on the path to your favorite genre?

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Ellsworth AFB Library

For anyone at Ellsworth AFB who wants free books, the library has a free book section that you can use.  These are the books I just donated:

The Dead House by Linda Fairstein
R is for Richochet by Sue Grafton
Dangerous Games by Lora Leigh
Initiation by Elizabeth JenkinsJohn Les
Brain Longevity by Dharma Khellsy, MD
Mrs Pollifax and the Secod Theif by Dorothy Gilman
Witch World by Andre Norton
Between Planets by Robert Heinlein
Riding the Rap by Elmore Leonard
Treasure Hunt by John Lescroart
The Phoenix Unchained by Mercedes Lackey and James Mallory

If this lists some books that it seems I may not read, that is correct.  These include the books that my husband has read.  That is not including all the Kindle books that we both read. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


For some reason I seem to have been reading vampire books lately.  The two I enjoyed and finished are Moon Dance-Vampire for Hire #1 and Hard Spell-an Occult Crimes Unit Investigation.  Moon Dance is about a woman detective that was attacked and became a vampire.  Interesting view of what you would do if you became one.  The author thought of a lot of details that I had not considered.  One thing is that she must do her detective work at night.  It is a passably good mystery.  The second is written from a male policeman's perspective in a parallel contemporary world where 'Supes' Supernaturals are accepted by the population and there is a seperate police division to handle their crimes.  The mystery kept my interest and I liked the ending.  May have to get more books by these authors.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Price Limit

Several months-okay, maybe a year or so-ago Daughter told me "The Help" was a really good book.  I was too tight-wad to spring for the cost.  Now they have made a movie of it-aaaargh!  I know I cringe at paying more than a few dollars for a fiction book.  However, non-fiction books that I plan on keeping even though I have limited space, I will pay up to $35.00.  Why I came up with that limit I do not know.  Of course, trading books for free or second hand books for very little is one of my preferences.  Unless I count the free books I get on my Kindle.  Do you have limits?

Monday, August 22, 2011

Omniverous Reading

We all have our favorite genera that we read-mine being sci-fi and fantasy.  However, there are so many other types of books that I like-mysteries, positive attitude, new age, herbs, frugality, craft...  Are we all like that?  Is it the book-a-holic tendency to read whatever we can get our hands on-even if it is a cereal box?  That may be a cliche but there are grounds for thinking there may be a reason for it.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Phoenix Unchained

To the brilliant young man at Malmstrom AFB who gave me this book-Thanks.  I really enjoyed it.  I have read other books by Mercedes Lackey. This one, however, is with James Mallory.  I was hooked when I saw the woman centaur on the cover.  Now if I could just read as fast and remember everything like the previous owner.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Blue Sword

At Minot AFB a lovely young woman suggested "The Blue Sword" by Robin McKinley.  I loved it.  You do not realize at first that it is fantasy-or at least, I didn't.  I loved that the author added dimensions and careful hints to build to the final events and explanations.  Not just another coming of age novel.  The author is on my list of authors to watch for.